Memorial Windows

Sanctuary Window: 8’ diameter / Narthex Window: 3’ x 6’
First Community Church, Hilliard Ohio



This oculus stained glass window is installed high in the rear of the sanctuary. Being a memorial piece, it is designed to uplift the human spirit with its vibrant coloration, graceful line work, and joyful character. "Stars" - clear glass jewels - provide an accent of sparkling sunlight.

The glasses used in this window were mouth blown in Germany. The slight variation in the thickness of each glass sheet results in a gentle shading. Cindy Kessler uses this shading to imbue her works with a wonderfully nuanced, dynamic quality - a life and energy that only mouth blown glass can provide. To see a video showing how glass is mouth blown, check out the 7 minute video on our web-page:


Cindy works on full-size pattern of larger window.

Cindy works on full-size pattern of larger window.

Working with Lamberts full antique glasses from Germany allows Cindy to use the inherent shading of the material to full artistic potential.

Working with Lamberts full antique glasses from Germany allows Cindy to use the inherent shading of the material to full artistic potential.